UW Study Abroad

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UW Study Abroad

Opening hours

1410 Campus PKWY NE - Schmitz Hall 459
Seattle, WA 98195



Study Abroad Advising

. Duration:30 mins·

UWSAFA (Faculty and staff ONLY)

. Duration:1 hr·

Mary Gates 171 Advising

. Duration:30 mins·

Study Abroad Advising

. Duration:15 mins·



Go. Connect. Discover.

UW Study Abroad envisions the UW as a global community. Our students, staff, and faculty are global citizens whose academic endeavors take place in a context larger than our campus.

We hope your paths of study on campus will prepare and then inspire you to meet people, experience places, and exchange ideas abroad. We hope that when you return home, you will have a fresh academic perspective, new dreams for the future, and a vision of how you can make a difference.

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